Words For Single Woman

  1. Words For Single Women

Words For Single Women

How can the answer be improved? Single bars and single women With a single thought in mind Just to make it till the morning Looking for what they can find For a man they won't remember.


WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS IS: • Rekindling...AROUSE • Love..TO FEEL A PASSION • Intimacy.PRIVATE & VERY PERSONAL LOVE, a state of mind, only the wise or lucky ever find. And having found it, only the brave can make it flourish until the grave.

Women like romance. And let's not forget that men enjoy it, too. Though no one has a foolproof formula for romance, words can make the difference. Romantic Loving Words can be fun, playful, serious, or silly. They can be healing, encouraging, satisfying, and wonderful. Sometimes they come at us all at once, but often just a little at a time.

No matter how romantic words are used, you are a lucky person if you are in a relationship where Loving Words are shared like this love note. TO MY WIFE Remember how hard it used to be for us to say, 'Good-bye,' even when it was for just a few hours? That's what I felt today as you left. I didn't want you to go.

I wished I could change today into a weekend so we could get away and be together. I just had to leave a phone message for you at work to let you know I was thinking of you. I wanted you to know how I looked forward to you getting home, to hold you again, and to hear you say those words of love that I love so much. It may sound a bit corny to say, but I am the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife. GOD sure knew what He was doing when He brought you into my life. Your Husband See how Loving Words can make a difference?

When Loving Words are expressed, the true feelings each feels for the other become clearer, and very little compares to it. If you've never tried expressing your feelings to your mate, then you are in for some wonderful romantic surprises.

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Some Loving Words No matter how hard I try or how many words I use, I could never adequately express what you mean to me. I can't really know you with my eyes and ears; only my heart can. If I had to do it all over again, I'd do it with you. Nothing compares with the time we are together.

The best part of the day is when I come home to you. Tender moments are spent with you. I can't wait to see you. ROMANCE There are two types of romance, obligatory and spontaneous. Both are important. All men are advised not to overlook the obligatory, but make no mistake about it, spontaneous romance is more genuinely romantic. Any video converter mac.

Here's the difference. OBLIGATORY romance includes the things you are obligated to do, such as celebrating your Wife's birthday, getting her a Christmas gift, remembering your Anniversary, sending Valentines on Valentine's Day, remembering Mother's Day. SPONTANEOUS romance includes all of the above if you do it in a unique and totally unexpected way and any unplanned gesture of love---such as flowers for no speical reason. Little surprises, big surprises. Surprise dates in the middle of the week or in the middle of the night. Champagne toasts, candlelight dinners, weekend getaways, massages, love letters, romantic movies, and Moonlight walks.